Using your current location, saved locations, and time of day, Transit can predict where you’re most likely headed - whether it’s work, home, etc. As you move around your city, the search bar will update to show you estimated travel times to the predicted locations. Transit will open the trip planner and display different ways to get to your destination:.Tap the instant ETA box at the right of the search bar:.Get Trip Plans Instantly from the Main Screen On the route detail screen, tap GO to receive step-by-step instructions during your journey, or tap the bell icon to create a reminder to notify you of your departure for that route:.Choose the route that fits your schedule.Set the time you would like to leave or arrive:.Choose between Leave Now or Leave at or Arrive by options. The purpose of Penn Station is to get from point A to point B.Tap GO to get step-by-step instructions during your trip.Compare your options using public transport and other modes:.Tap in the upper Current location field to change your starting point, if desired.Here you can: type an address, select a point on the map, select a favorite location, or pull up an address from your phone's calendar or contacts. On the Main Screen, tap the search bar:.Get Trip Plans Instantly from the Main Screen.You can quickly navigate to your favorite locations and pull up addresses from your phone's calendar to plan your favorite routes. View route schedules, get real-time Next Bus departures, and. To get directions from A to B, use Transit's trip planner. Trip Planner tells you how long your trip will take and if there are any transfers involved.